About the Foundation
Our mission is to empower individuals and communities through the transformative power of the arts, education, and innovative health initiatives. With swift and strategic action, we are dedicated to fostering creativity, promoting lifelong learning, and supporting innovative health solutions.
By providing free resources our goal is to build healthier, more vibrant communities for all. Though scholarships, partnerships and financial support, we aim to improve health, enrich cultural understanding and inspire personal growth.
The Weiner Nusim Foundation's programs include:
The Weiner Nusim Foundation's free educational programs:
Offer teachers and community groups valuable print and electronic educational resources that increase classroom effectiveness while requiring minimum preparation time.
Provide students with highly motivational interactive educational materials that have unique appeal.
​The Weiner Nusim Foundation's support of innovative health initiatives includes:
Funding for free educational outreach materials for students on health-related issues.
Funding for the training and equipment for paramedics, first responders and first aid providers.
Funding to the Marcus Blood center which provides emergency care to all residents of the State of Israel.
The Weiner Nusim Foundation supports cultural activities on a local level through its seed funding for educational and community outreach programs in New York City for free programs offered by the Art Deco Society of New York, including:
Telling the Art deco Stories of Our Neighborhoods - a series of free educational programs for residents of underserved New York City neighborhoods with community organizations, public libraries and older adult centers.
Documenting Deco - a free outreach program for educators and students that brings teaching artists into New York City classrooms to teach students about the art, architecture and cultural history of New York City through lessons and neighborhood walks.
The Art Deco New York Journal - a series of free publications about Art Deco design with articles global in scope and topics ranging from architecture and preservation to design to and material culture accessible free on the website artdeco.org.​
Health & Well-being
Decorative Arts & Design
Theater Arts